Our Ministries
Sunday-Wednesday School & VBS
Confirmation Plus
Adult Bible Study
Lutherans For Life
Prayer Chain
Card Ministry
Sunday, Wednesday School & VBS
We offer Sunday School between services starting at 9:20-10:20. This is open to children 3 years old – 6th grade. Children meet in the Sanctuary by 9:25 AM for an opening devotion and sing along with Diann Dobbs.
Supper is served at 5:30 pm with classes beginning at 7:15 pm. This is open to children 3 years old – 5th grade. Children meet in the Sanctuary by 7:15 PM for an opening devotion.
- 6th & 7th-grade Confirmation Class
Teacher: Pastor Dennis Mercer - 8th-grade Confirmation Class
Teacher: Pastor Randy Sturzenbecher.
Every summer you will find a week of fun and learning for the kids taking part in VBS. Joni Mercer is leading the charge and looking for volunteers!

Confirmation Plus
The confirmation program is designed for students in 6th -12th grade and meets on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 – 7:00 pm with family supper served at 5:30 pm.
Students expand their biblical and catechetical knowledge, their understanding of important Lutheran beliefs and practices and learn to apply all in their daily lives.
The Youth Ministry connects students to Jesus Christ, the church, and the community. Divine Shepherd hosts and encourages activities that strengthen these relationships.

Adult Bible Study
- Women’s Book Club (Wednesday 7:15 pm)
- Wednesday Evening Bible Study (6:00 pm)
- Thursday Morning Ladies Bible Study (9:30 am)
- Rusty Restorations Men’s Bible Study (6:30 am, 2nd & 4th Saturday)
- Sunday Morning Bible Class (9:30 am)

Lutheran Women's Missionary League
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is the official women’s auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Music is an important part of our Worship Service. We have a Vocal Choir, Bell Choir, Organists, Pianists, Children’s Music, and Special Music performed by various members of our congregation.

Prayer Chain Coordinator: Diane Falin
Phone Numbers
Cell: 605-381-3176
Home: 605-719-9482
We have a number of people signed up for our prayer chain to offer prayer for you or your loved ones. Please contact Diane at the numbers provided above or contact our church secretary Katie at DSLCSecretary@divineshep.org or 605-787-6438 and she will contact Diane. You can be specific about the prayer needed, or just ask for prayers and a general prayer will be said.
Card Ministry Coordinator: Shirley Landis
When Shirley is made aware of a need where a card might help she will send an appropriate card to the person/family. Virtually all needs will be acceptable reasons for sending a card – general support, encouragement, sympathy, hello/welcome, goodbye/best wishes, congratulations, and more.
Shirley will take requests from the Pastors, Elders, Katie, Diane Falin, & Becky LeFebre at this time. Others may be added as Pastor directs.
Please use this ministry to support the members of Divine Shepherd.