Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church and School
We are the baptized children of God, forgiven and redeemed by Jesus. We are His family called together to receive His gifts and to serve others.VISION
We, at Divine Shepherd, guided by the unfailing Word of God, proclaim the love of Jesus, nurture our faith, love and encourage youth, support family life, and spread the good news of Jesus to people in our communit and beyondBeginnings
- October 13, 1984 – Zion Lutheran Church establishes a Mission Church in Black Hawk, SD
- September 21, 1986 – South Dakota District helps with the purchase a building site and construction of a “Preaching Station” church building. 34 Members
- February 8, 1987 – Pastor Lloyd Redhage was installed as Missionary-at-Large.
- June 7, 1987 – The newly formed Divine Shepherd Lutheran Church dedication service was held.
- June 8, 1987 – Pastor Lloyd Redhage was installed as Pastor of Divine Shepherd. 100 Members

1987 - 1997 Milestones
- Purchased organ
- Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) formed
- Purchased Parsonage
- 1.8 acres south of the church property purchased for future expansion
- 1989 – Church office, Sunday School classrooms and new nursery room added
- Dedication of new Bell Tower and bell
- Purchased piano
- 1997 – Celebrated 10th Anniversary
- May 17, 1997 – Pastor David Schwan was installed as Pastor
1998 - 2006 Milestones
- Worship area expanded and Sunday School Classrooms added
- Confirmands presented personalized quilts by LWML
- 2002 – Pre-School program begins
- 2005 – Shepherd’s Park and playground structure, picnic shelter and garage added
- March 5, 2006 – Pastor Randy Sturzenbecher is installed as Pastor.

2007 - 2012 Milestones
- Purchased organ
- Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) formed
- Purchased Parsonage
- 1.8 acres south of the church property purchased for future expansion
- 1989 – Church office, Sunday School classrooms and new nursery room added
- Dedication of new Bell Tower and bell
- Purchased piano
- 1997 – Celebrated 10th Anniversary
- May 17, 1997 – Pastor David Schwan was installed as Pastor
- Volleyball court added to the park
- Annual Congregational Motorcycle Ride begins
- New organ purchased
- Mission trip to New Orleans for Katrina clean up
- 2007 – 20th Anniversary Celebration
- First Annual Harvest Dinner
- 2008 – Worship service added
- Adopted Albert Sutton as Specialized Ministries Pastor Program (SMP) Vicar
- Bible Bag program begins
- Information and Library Center added
- 2009 – Mission trip by members to Hong Kong (MCDH Lutheran School)
- July 2010 & July 2011 – Hosted Ma Can Duen Hey (MCDH) students from Hong Kong
- Divine Shepherd joins Black Hills Lutheran School Association
- Rusty Restorations Men’s Bible Study begins
- Adult Chime Choir started
- 2011 – First paid church secretary begins
- New Preschool is dedicated
- Vicar Albert Sutton is ordained at Pine Ridge
- 2012 – 25th Anniversary Celebration
- Ark for the playground is dedicated
- Support Missionary Alissa Asmus
- Church Response, Piedmont Valley Food Bank and Audio Ministry mailed to shut-ins on CD
- Youth attend Higher Things conference annually
2013 - 2018 Milestones
- Annual Hong Kong Missions begin
- Voters approve construction of new sanctuary with walk out lower level offices to meet the growing needs and missions of Divine Shepherd
- 2015 – Laborers for Christ supervise the construction
- 2016 – Website Created
- Preschool expanded to create an Early Childhood Center
- Stained glass windows are moved to new sanctuary
- Establishment of Early Childhood Center (ECC)
- 2017 – Dedication of new Sanctuary and ECC
- LCMS Black Hills circuit congregations celebrate 500th Anniversary of the Reformation at Rushmore Plaza Civic Center
- 30th Anniversary
- Professional Cleaning company hired
- 2018 – Hosted 17 students and 2 teachers from Hong Kong
- Church Website expanded to be method of communication to members and community
- Two new stained-glass windows are donated and installed in the windows behind altar
- New offices for Pastor, Secretary, a workroom, and conference/meeting room are added
- Sculpture of Christ on the Cross is donated to DSLC by a member

2019 & Forward
- 2025 Vision Committee established
- Live streaming the Sunday Worship service begins and is available to www.divineshep.org and on Facebook
- Annual Pastor visits to Divine Shepherd students attending college
- Divine Shepherd supports missionaries serving in Spain, Asia, Pine Ridge and Trinity Lutheran Church in Belle Fourche
- Evangelism Committee sponsors Easter Egg Hunt and Trunk or Treat as annual events
- 1st Annual Community Picnic
- Vicar Dennis Mercer is ordained as the second Pastor at Divine Shepherd on January 22nd, 2023