Week 21: The Lord’s Prayer – The First Petition
The Lord’s Prayer
As the head of the family should teach it in a simple way to his household.
The First Petition
Hallowed be Thy name.
What does this mean?
God’s name is certainly holy in itself, but we pray in this petition that it may be kept holy among us also.
How is God’s name kept holy?
God’s name is kept holy when the Word of God is taught in its truth and purity, and we, as the children of God, also lead holy lives according to it. Help us to do this, dear Father in heaven! But anyone who teaches or lives contrary to God’s Word profanes the name of God among us. Protect us from this, heavenly Father!
John 17:17 Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth.
Vocabulary for this week. Please define these words.
When Aaron is told to bless the people why does he say “The Lord bless you”
There is power in the Name of God. What can we expect when we call on the Name of God in prayer?
In what ways can I honor my heavenly Father’s name today?
St. Luke tells us to ask. Who are we to ask for things?
How do we do that?
List 4 things it is important to pray for and why those things are important.
Why is that important?
Why is that important?
Why is that important?
Why is that important?
Why, when you ask for a snack or something to eat, from your parents or grandparents, why don’t they give you something that is poisonous or something that will harm you?
Why can we expect good things from God our Father when we pray for them?
What is St. Luke telling us in vs 13?
Lutheran Service book (Our Hymnal) Page 268-274
Holy Baptism is all about God’s Name and His gifts.
In who’s Name do we Baptize people?
Why do we do it this way?
Where is the sign of the cross traced on people we Baptize?
When we make the sign of the cross what are we remembering?
Why is God’s Name placed upon us such a powerful thing?
Vs. 28 What does it mean to “speak my word faithfully”?
When do we hear God’s Word spoken to us?
What would happen to us, if the Pastor would preach things about God and His promises to us that were not true?
Do you think that eating a diet of pop and cotton candy all the time would be good for you?
What would happen if every time you came to hear God’s Word preached, the pastor was not preaching the truth of God’s Word, but was preaching sweet things we loved to hear, that were not true?
What would happen if you never came to hear God’s Word preached to you at all?
LSC 250 Which commandment does the 1st petition of the Lord’s prayer deal with?
How do we used God’s name correctly?
LSC 252 How do we keep God’s name holy?
What is the connection between the 1st petition and the Pastor, Sunday school teachers, even Dad and Mom when they teach us God’s Word?
How do we live according to God’s Word?
LSC 253. There are 2 primary ways we profane God’s Name. What are they?
List 4 things that we do in our lives that profane God’s Name?
How is this profaning God’s name?
How is this profaning God’s name?
How is this profaning God’s name?
How is this profaning God’s name?