Week 16:The Apostles Creed 2nd Part 2 Days__
These words are all used in the lessons for this week. Please give a description of the following worlds and use the correctly in a sentence.
Contrite heart
Jesus Humiliation
Jesus Exaltation
Who wrote this Psalm?
What big event happened that caused the writer to write Psalm 51
Vs 2 What iniquity did the author need to be cleansed from?
Vs 5 When did our sin inherited from Adam and Eve start?
Vs 9 When the writer writes “Hide your face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities” What is he looking for from God?
Vs 17 What sacrifices are good and pleasing in God’s sight?
Who carried Jesus cross when He was too weak?
Vs 34 Why did Jesus go to the cross.
Criminals were crucified with Jesus. What was the attitude of the 1st criminal mentioned in vs 39?
Do you think he was forgiven for his sin?
Did the other criminal mentioned in vs 40-42 recognize his sin?
What did He ask Jesus to do for him?
Was this man forgiven all his sin?
How do you know?
What difference does it make for you that Jesus died on the Cross?
What did His death on the cross do for you?
LSC Q 183, 184, 185.
Jesus had 3 offices (jobs) here on earth. Please define what each position does and how Jesus fulled each office.
- Prophet
How did Jesus fulfill the position?
- Priest
How did Jesus fulfill the position?
3. King
How did Jesus fulfill the position?
LSC Q 171, 172,
What is Jesus state of humiliation?
What steps of the creed talk about His state of humiliation?
Which steps of Jesus humiliation do the following verses show to us?
LSC Q 162: Why did Christ go through all this humiliation?
Write out one Bible verse ( not just the reference) that answers Q 162
LSC Q 166. Our three greatest enemies are Sin, death, and the devil. Write out one verse that tells us how Jesus rescued us from sin.
Why is the shedding of blood important in Jesus death. Check Hebrews chapter 9
LSC Q167 How did Jesus rescue me from the devil?
What Bible Verses tell you that?
LSC Q 168 How did Jesus rescue me from death?
What Bible Verse tells you that?
How do we know Jesus did not stay dead?
What command was given to the people that saw Jesus alive? Vs 42-43
LSC Q 174 What is the state of Exaltation?
Which words of the creed reflect Jesus Exaltation?
LSC Q 169 Why is Christ’s resurrection so important and comforting?
Why is Jesus resurrection so important to me? Romans 6: 1-8
LSC Q 180 Write out one Bible verse that in the the basis for my confession and confidence that I will live forever in His Kingdom?
What words of the 2nd Article of the creed assure us Christ will come again?
How does Acts 1:11 tell us Jesus will return to earth?
Will Jesus be Spirit or a real flesh and blood man when He returns on the last day?